Our House: Part I. And so the saga begins...

June 24, 2011

We moved! Before I go ahead an start snapping shots of the home completely empty, I thought I would share photos of when viewed the house for the first time. I referenced these pictures so much after our first look - it's kind of wild how the mind can play tricks on you. For example, I was thinking the whole house was radiant heat, until I saw a picture of an electric heater and it reminded me! Or picturing rooms in your head to be a lot bigger than they actually are. I'm so guilty for that. I'm also guilty for these low quality shots on a crappy digital camera. Apologies, I will work harder!
These pictures were taken in January when the snow was still very much around. We were happy with that,as our winters tend to be very wet and seeing the house in these conditions could serve as a reality check. And fast forward to late June, it is fun (and a little nerve-racking) to watch our back and front yard unveil itself. So let's begin the tour...

(View of front from driveway)

Cute, hey?! Like I mentioned before, you can see the victorian influences going on in this 75 year old abode. When our lawyer was looking for the proper documents, we actually found out a whole row of houses on this street were commissioned by the Newfoundland Railway Company for families of railway employees. When the trains stopped running in 1988, these houses were put up for sale.

(View of street from front steps)
We have a shared driveway agreement with our next door neighbor, as we both need to access our parking spots via one driveway. When we first looked at the house, we were not keen on it - both of us having lived with our own driveways. Yet, off street parking in this area of town?! With two spots?! Unheard of! Plus, maybe we'll share the shoveling next Winter? We are not really sure the etiquette... it's chilly, so let's go inside.
(View of foyer from porch)

We're greeted by a MASSIVE radiator in the foyer which is great considering the previous homeowners took the porch door off and there is a chilly draft coming from the front door. We're going to work on that sometime soon. The door ahead is the kitchen and the doors to the left are the living and dining area. 
(View of porch)
The first door on the left is the living area. Again, these were all taken during our first walk through so none of the furniture you see is ours. Although, in our offer, we made a condition to keep the customized bookcases that appear to be built-ins. I have plans for them... and it involves white, ceramic animals and milk glass.

(View of dining room)
(View of living room from dining area)

That's all for now, as I'm going to reserve the rest of the first floor - the kitchen and pantry for another post that will cover them in more detail. Overall, we love our new home! Of course it needs some love and some fresh paint, but the character and charm is something we adore in our new abode!