And now the moment I've been waiting for - the blah kitchen post. Considering the smallish 115 square feet this kitchen maintains, the original layout seriously hindered the efficiency of this space. When we went for our first walk through of the home, we were told by our realtor that there were no offers made in the four months it was on the market. When questioned why, most potential buyers blamed the kitchen. And we can totally see why... but also we see hope with our visionary minds. That and there was no way it could get any worse, so we could only make this space better! that's what we told ourselves anyway. I knew this was the home when I would have dreams at night about the worst part (re kitchen), and how beautiful it would look when were done with it. I took that as a sign! These shots were taken just after we moved in and just before the tear down. Warning, they be ugly and unedited:
This is the view from the entry coming off the main hallway. The gaping, unbalanced white light ahead is sadly not another glorious realm, but our cutesy garden. This door is incredibly drafty and we think this is why the former owners installed the electric heater. Either way, once you see the pantry off the kitchen, you'll be even more confused why this door is here.
Prepare to scratch your head after you note the (lack of) clearance on the oven door. Yes, it's all tight as it looks. I have a recurring dream that this peninsula is chasing me down the street... that's how much I dislike the thing. Joking aside, it just makes no sense! In such a narrow space, we're dealing with this jutty-out monstrosity... aye carumba! But behold the entryway to opportunity just to the side of the oven there...
The pantry!!! It's not so hot right now but see that expanse of wall there on the right side? Prepare to be moved...
Literally. That door is moving into the pantry. Maybe even then we'll call it something rugged like a "mud room." Nah, pantry is better. Way better. Either way, it will free up that wall and give us more space in the kitchen to design a layout that works.
This is the view from standing just outside the pantry. That door with the lock? It's where we keep trades people and force them to do the dirty work. Well, we were going to do that but then we realized, why not just force our family to help? It's a lot less illegal! Joking aside, it is the door to the dark and dingy basement, which needs to love in the form of organization.
View of the hallway and (also drafty) front door. I'll explain the green tape on the floor later but I will say it's probably the biggest roadblock to overcome. As for the wallpaper border, my Grandmother was confused as to why we wanted it gone. Gotta love Nanas! Luckily, it came down later this day with just a tug.
So that's how she looks now, folks. While I have most of the cabinetry ordered, I'm going to spew my kitchen inspiration here to help me (and maybe you?) get a solid idea of what I'm after in terms of design, color, accents. Keep on the look out. Change is acomin', I can feel it in my weak and Atasoled bones. Yeah, being a new homeowner hurts the back and the bank.